Determining the suitable locations for solar panels installations often requires the input of an expert or professional installer. The best location or site has a number of characteristics and features that set it apart from all the other places. Before identifying such a site, it would be important to start by defining the features, requirements and characteristics that it must possess. Once again, a professional installer might be required for this work, but not all the time. With adequate information and experience, any person can identify the best place for installing the panels, and only seek an expert installer.
First, elevation is very important to the installation of solar panels. This is why the panels are often installed on top of buildings. Rarely are the installations done at ground levels. The installations can never take place anywhere. Some places are plainly poor choices for making such installations. Elevation is very critical since it enables the panels to receive the energy from the sun directly without any hindrance. By the time the heat and energy from the sun hits the ground, most probably it might have lost some of its intensity. This would make the panels ineffective in terms of producing the amount of heat needed to produce energy for the house.
The direction or aspect is very important as well. Normally, the panels should be installed facing south or horizontally. This might differ from one area to the next. When facing the right direction, the panels would have a much better output than those installed facing the wrong direction. This does not mean that the panels facing the wrong direction would be unable to produce even an iota of energy. It simply means that the efficiency levels of panels that face the correct direction are much higher compared to those that face the wrong direction. This factor is very important for people who value efficiency.
The site chosen for installation of the panels should have a slope of around 35 degrees and not more. Many people love installing the panels on flat roofs, but the output is not as high as panels that are installed on sloping roofs. Panels installed on flat roofs or grounds would probably take much longer to heat the helical rotor solar pump systems, which would not be such wonderful news for somebody who is in a hurry to get ready for a very important meeting. The site chosen for the installation of such panels should experience a significant amount of radiation each year. The required amount of radiation is often determined after thorough analysis by an expert installer.
As a summary, choosing the best site for installation of panels is a matter best designated to the experts in this field. A professional water pump installer is able to offer the best advice on such a matter. On the other hand, it might be wise to learn about these sites to evaluate whether the installer has made the correct choice. Some unprofessional installers might take advantage at the level of ignorance that a customer displays to install the panels anywhere without due consideration as to whether it is the best spot or not.