We all love our carpets and we the last thing we ever want to see is a stain on it. Especially if your rug is in a light color, any discolour could be scene pretty clearly. This is why we tend to be careful around it. But of course, there are some unavoidable times like when your baby tries to have fun with her food or when you spill wine and when your pet just couldn’t do it in the right spot.
But before you go try removing that stain properly, make sure you don’t mess it up. And the only way you can do that is have some pointers on carpet stain removal. They say the longer the stain stays the harder it is to be removed. Not to worry, try the following techniques and see your results.
Colored drink (like Kool-Aid)
This is a nightmare, I know. The coloring in the drinks seems to keep a very nice discolour on your rug. However, this nightmare can be treated. Here’s what you need to do.
First, blot/ sponge the discolour with a dry towel. Don’t rub on it or else, the discolour may spread and make it even harder to be removed.
Try mixing white vinegar, dish soap with water and fill it into a spray bottle. That’s quarter of a cup of white vinegar to a table spoon of dish soap to a spray can of water. Spray that area until it the discolour is totally soaked, leave it to 5-10 minutes for it to actually soak in as well.
Then, continue to blot with a dry towel (preferably white), until the stain is removed.
Pet stains
If you own a pet, I feel you. When you see the surprise they’ve given on the rug, it could be pretty frustrating. Here’s what to do,
If there’s any debris, remove it and clean up the mess. If it is wet, use the blot method with a dry towel like I said before. But make sure not to rub on it.
If it is too late and the discolour is already dried, you might want to try a rug discolour cleaning product specially created for pet stains, you can find these in grocery stores as well as many reliable carpet shops as well.
To get the smell out of it, you could try adding a quarter of a cup of white vinegar/ white wine to a quarter of warm water and spirits on to the discolour. Allow the mixture to be soaked into the rug and repeat the blot method.
Blood stain
This may be creepy to be seen every day on your rug so here’s how to get it off fast.Now when it comes to blood, you need to use cold water. Fill a spray bottle with cold water, 2 table spoon of liquid dish washer and spray on the discolour till it’s fully soaked. Then like before, blot on the area and if you need to do it more than once, rinse the towel and go again.I have a feeling this may work. Good luck!